-Boss 1 Wipaire ,3949.8 hrs total time
-Continental I.O 550F,factory new 2002, 697.8 hrs
-Mc Cauley 402 prop due 2026
-Wipaire co-pilot door
-Wipline 4000A amphibious floats ( mint condition)
-Flint Aero external tips tank extension (15+15 gallons) 3800 max gross with or without fuel.
-Horton STOL
-Factory Zinchromate internal
-Whelen l.e.d lights ( beacon, strobe, landing)
-MVP-50P ( primary engine information, fuel quantity, oil pres, oil temp, fuel flow, RPM/MAP, CHT , EGT, AMP/Volts)
-S-TECH 50 Auto Pilot coupled
-Electric Trim
-Bendix/King KMA-24 audio panel
-Bendix/King KY 197 VHF flip flop
-Bendix/King KNS 80 vor/ils/rnav/dme
-Bendix/King KX 155 Nav/Com
-Bendix/King KLN 90A GPS
-Bendix/King KR 87 ADF + KI 227
-Bendix/King KT 76A Transponder C
-Bendix/King KI 208 indicator
-Bendix/King KI 525A HSI
-Bendix/King KA 51B Slaving acc
-Bendix/King KG 102A Remote Gyro
-Bendix/King KMT 112 Flux Valve
-ACK A30 Altitude digitizer
-N.A.T AA 80 Intercom
-N.A.T RS 08 Remote
-Garmin 696 GPS
-Kannad 406 E.L.T
***Prix en 🇺🇸 USD***
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